Software Installation

GronOR can be downloaded from the GitLab repository:

git clone

On systems where ssh cannot be used (e.g. JFZ’s Juwels) use https instead: git clone The initial directory structure is as follows: gronor |- src (source directory with sub-directories) |- include (directory with a small number of include files) |- scripts (directory with scripts) |- aux (directory with auxiliary programs) |- molcas (directory with OpenMolcas interfaced programs) |- examples (directory with full OpenMolcas/GronOR examples) |- CMakeLists.txt (the cmake build file) |- CTestConfig.cmake (ctest configuration file) To build the code, do the following in the top-level gronor directory 1. mkdir build 2. cd build 3. cmake [flags] ../ 4. make -j 10 This will expand the directory structure as follows: gronor |- src (source directory with sub-directories) |- include (directory with a small number of include files) |- scripts (directory with scripts) |- aux (directory with auxiliary programs) |- molcas (directory with OpenMolcas interfaced programs) |- examples (directory with full OpenMolcas/GronOR examples) |- CMakeLists.txt (the cmake build file) |- build ----|- bin (directory with the gronor binary) |- lib (directory with the gronor libraries) |- CMakeFiles (cmake files crated during build) |- CTestConfig.cmake (ctest configuration file) The scripts sub-directory contains compile scripts specific to certain computer systems: juwels_compile JSC Juwels-Booster compile script linux_compile Generic Linuc Workstation compile script maginet_compile URV Maginet compile script summit_compile OLCF Summit compile script vega_compile IZUM Vega compile script The following rules need to be followed for the src sub-directories: 1. program main source code in a sub-directory with the same name as the program 2. library files in a sub-directory will be in a single library file Build flags are any of the following -DMPI=ON is the default as GronOR requires a minimum of two MPI ranks to run -DACC=ON will activate OpenACC directives -DOMPTGT=ON will activate OpenMP offload directives -DCUSOLVER=ON will activate the CUSOLVER QR solvers and requires -DACC=ON -DCUSOLVERJ=ON will activate the CUSOLVER QR and Jacobi solvers and requires -DACC=ON -DMKL=ON will enable the Intel MKL library -DOMP=ON will activate OpenMP directives JSC Juwels-Booster specific setup requirements: module load CMake module load NVHPC module load CUDA module load ParaStationMPI export FC=mpif90 export CC=mpicc export CXX=mpic++ CSCS Piz Daint specific setup requirements: module swap PrgEnv-gnu PrgEnv-pgi export CUDAHOME=/opt/nvidia/cudatoolkit10.2/10.2.89_3.28- export CUDA_HOME=/opt/nvidia/cudatoolkit10.2/10.2.89_3.28- OLCF Summit specific setup requirements: module load cmake module swap xl pgi module load cuda setenv MPI_INCLUDE $MPI_ROOT/include setenv MPI_LIB $MPI_ROOT/lib setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $MPI_ROOT/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH OLCF Frontier specific setup requirements: module load PrgEnv-cray-amd module load craype-accel-amd-gfx90a module load rocm module load cmake setenv OLCF_HIPFORT_ROOT /lustre/orion/world-shared/stf006/reubendb/sw/frontier/hipfort/cce_15.0.1-rocm_5.3.0 setenv PE_MPICH_GTL_DIR_amd_gfx90a "-L${CRAY_MPICH_ROOTDIR}/gtl/lib" setenv PE_MPICH_GTL_LIBS_amd_gfx90a "-lmpi_gtl_hsa" setenv CRAY_CPU_TARGET "x86-64" setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${CRAY_LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} GronOR has been built and tested with the following compilers: Cray 8.3.3 GCC 8.5.0 IBM XL 16.1.1 Intel 19.1.2, 2024.0, 2024.1, 2024.2 NVIDIA HPC-SDK 20.7, 20.9, 20.11, 22.07, 22.09, 23.11, 24.1, 24.5, 24.9 PGI 19.9, 19.10, 20.1 GronOR is interfaced to OpenMolcas for multi-reference fragment wave functions and integrals. OpenMolcas is an open source quantum chemistry software package for multiconfigurational approaches, and is available at

Software Installation

GronOR can be downloaded from the GitLab repository:

git clone

On systems where ssh cannot be used (e.g. JFZ’s Juwels) use https instead: git clone The initial directory structure is as follows: gronor |- src (source directory with sub-directories) |- include (directory with a small number of include files) |- scripts (directory with scripts) |- aux (directory with auxiliary programs) |- molcas (directory with OpenMolcas interfaced programs) |- examples (directory with full OpenMolcas/GronOR examples) |- CMakeLists.txt (the cmake build file) |- CTestConfig.cmake (ctest configuration file) To build the code, do the following in the top-level gronor directory 1. mkdir build 2. cd build 3. cmake [flags] ../ 4. make -j 10 This will expand the directory structure as follows: gronor |- src (source directory with sub-directories) |- include (directory with a small number of include files) |- scripts (directory with scripts) |- aux (directory with auxiliary programs) |- molcas (directory with OpenMolcas interfaced programs) |- examples (directory with full OpenMolcas/GronOR examples) |- CMakeLists.txt (the cmake build file) |- build ---|- bin (directory with the gronor binary) |- lib (directory with the gronor libraries) |- CMakeFiles (cmake files crated during build) |- CTestConfig.cmake (ctest configuration file) The scripts sub-directory contains compile scripts specific to certain computer systems: juwels_compile JSC Juwels-Booster compile script linux_compile Generic Linuc Workstation compile script maginet_compile URV Maginet compile script summit_compile OLCF Summit compile script vega_compile IZUM Vega compile script The following rules need to be followed for the src sub-directories: 1. program main source code in a sub-directory with the same name as the program 2. library files in a sub-directory will be in a single library file Build flags are any of the following -DMPI=ON is the default as GronOR requires a minimum of two MPI ranks to run -DACC=ON will activate OpenACC directives -DOMPTGT=ON will activate OpenMP offload directives -DCUSOLVER=ON will activate the CUSOLVER QR solvers and requires -DACC=ON -DCUSOLVERJ=ON will activate the CUSOLVER QR and Jacobi solvers and requires -DACC=ON -DMKL=ON will enable the Intel MKL library -DOMP=ON will activate OpenMP threading directives JSC Juwels-Booster specific setup requirements: module load CMake module load NVHPC module load CUDA module load ParaStationMPI export FC=mpif90 export CC=mpicc export CXX=mpic++ CSCS Piz Daint specific setup requirements: module swap PrgEnv-gnu PrgEnv-pgi export CUDAHOME=/opt/nvidia/cudatoolkit10.2/10.2.89_3.28- export CUDA_HOME=/opt/nvidia/cudatoolkit10.2/10.2.89_3.28- OLCF Summit specific setup requirements: module load cmake module swap xl pgi module load cuda setenv MPI_INCLUDE $MPI_ROOT/include setenv MPI_LIB $MPI_ROOT/lib setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $MPI_ROOT/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH OLCF Frontier specific setup requirements: module load PrgEnv-cray-amd module load craype-accel-amd-gfx90a module load rocm module load cmake setenv OLCF_HIPFORT_ROOT /lustre/orion/world-shared/stf006/reubendb/sw/frontier/hipfort/cce_15.0.1-rocm_5.3.0 setenv PE_MPICH_GTL_DIR_amd_gfx90a "-L${CRAY_MPICH_ROOTDIR}/gtl/lib" setenv PE_MPICH_GTL_LIBS_amd_gfx90a "-lmpi_gtl_hsa" setenv CRAY_CPU_TARGET "x86-64" setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${CRAY_LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} GronOR has been built and tested with the following compilers: Cray 8.3.3 Gnu 8.5.0 IBM XL 16.1.1 Intel 19.1.2, 2024.0, 2024.1, 2024.2 NVIDIA HPC-SDK 20.7, 20.9, 20.11, 22.07, 22.09, 23.11, 24.1, 24.5, 24.9 PGI 19.9, 19.10, 20.1 GronOR is interfaced to OpenMolcas for multi-reference fragment wave functions and integrals. OpenMolcas is an open source quantum chemistry software package for multiconfigurational approaches, and is available at GronOR output is also generated in CML format that can be uploaded to the computational chemistry results repository ioChem-BD allowing convenient dissemination of research data. ioChem-BD is available at

Collaboration of the University of Groningen, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and University Rovira i Virgili